Our Values: Our True Identity

What Does It Mean to Live According to Your Values?

When we say we live according to our values, we mean that the decisions we make, our actions, and the way we interact with the world reflect our deepest beliefs and ideals. It’s like having an internal compass that guides us through every stage and phase of our lives.

Key Benefits We Can Gain:

  • Sense of Purpose: When our actions align with our values, we gain a sense of purpose and direction. We know why we do what we do and feel that our lives have meaning.
  • Inner Peace: Living according to our values reduces internal stress and increases our sense of inner peace. We avoid the guilt and confusion that arise from doing things that contradict our beliefs.
  • Improved Relationships: People who live according to their values tend to have more authentic and meaningful relationships with others.
  • Increased Self-Confidence: When we stay true to our values, we develop greater self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Positive Impact on the World: People who live according to their values often have a positive impact on the world around them.

How Can We Live According to Our Values?

  • Recognize Our Values: The first step is to identify what our most important values are. We can do this through guided reflection or discussions with people we respect and who know us well.
  • Develop Self-Awareness: Knowing ourselves helps us connect better with our inner selves. The first relationship we need to dedicate time, energy, and love to is the one with ourselves – our inner self.
  • Analyze Our Current Level: Once we recognize our values, we need to determine how “present” they are in our daily decisions. If our values are not reflected in our actions, we need to explore what factors are preventing this and how we can address them.
  • Integrate Our Values into Daily Life: Moving from theory to practice. Applying our values in every area of our lives.


Living according to our values is a continuous process of self-discovery and self-improvement. When we choose to live according to our values, we choose to live a more authentic, balanced, and harmonious life.

Would you say that you have identified what your important values are? Have you considered how to move from theory to practice?

If you need help advancing on the journey of self-discovery and finding your own purpose, take the first step here:

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