Vision is the driving force that help us create the future we desire. Although it may sound abstract and long-term, in practice it reflects who we want to be, that is, who we want to become and, most importantly, what we want to do. Although vision is mainly intertwined with the world of business and commerce, its existence needs to first reflect the desire we have for ourselves (“who I want to be”) and then reflect our professional pursuit (“what I want to do”).
In order for the vision to be able to fulfill its purpose, it needs to have certain necessary elements, such as, but not limited to:
In particular, the value of vision in professional careers has the following advantages:
Helps in decision-making: Vision helps us make the right decisions about our career. When we have a clear vision, it is easier to evaluate the opportunities that present themselves and choose the ones that really bring us closer to our goals.
The value of vision in our life as a whole:
In conclusion, vision is a valuable tool that helps us achieve our goals, find meaning in our lives and live a happier life. If you don't have a vision yet, take the time to think about what you really want to achieve, what you have to offer your environment and what makes you truly happy.
In the HomoHappiens seminar we give great importance to the creation of a personal vision where with exercises and guidance we can work to create what will be a real life guide for us.
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