The vision and its importance

Vision is the driving force that help us create the future we desire. Although it may sound abstract and long-term, in practice it reflects who we want to be, that is, who we want to become and, most importantly, what we want to do. Although vision is mainly intertwined with the world of business and commerce, its existence needs to first reflect the desire we have for ourselves (“who I want to be”) and then reflect our professional pursuit (“what I want to do”).

In order for the vision to be able to fulfill its purpose, it needs to have certain necessary elements, such as, but not limited to:

  1. Related to our principles, to what has true value for us and to what inspires us.
  2. Be as clear and specific as possible.
  3. Be realistic, that is, be able to achieve it.

In particular, the value of vision in professional careers has the following advantages:

  • Defines our goals: Vision helps us define our professional goals, that is, what we want to achieve in our careers. This gives us a sense of purpose and helps us focus our efforts on what really matters to us.
  • Provides motivation: Vision gives us the motivation to overcome the difficulties and challenges we encounter in our professional career. It reminds us why we started what we do and helps us maintain optimism and faith in our capabilities.
  • Inspires others: A strong vision can inspire our colleagues, partners and customers. When people see that we have a clear vision and that we are passionate about what we do, they are more likely to trust us and support us.

Helps in decision-making: Vision helps us make the right decisions about our career. When we have a clear vision, it is easier to evaluate the opportunities that present themselves and choose the ones that really bring us closer to our goals.

The value of vision in our life as a whole:

  • Gives meaning to our life: Vision helps us give true meaning to our life because we are fighting for a purpose that we feel is ours.
  • Improves our mental health: Vision helps us maintain our mental health at high levels. When we have a positive vision for the future, we are more optimistic, happier and more resistant to stress.
  • Strengthens our relationships: Our vision can strengthen our relationships with others. When we are passionate about something and have a purpose in our life, the people around us understand this and are more likely to love and respect us.
  • Helps us live a happier life: Vision helps us live a happier life. When we have a purpose and something to strive for, we experience less internal conflict and get more pleasure from our lives.

In conclusion, vision is a valuable tool that helps us achieve our goals, find meaning in our lives and live a happier life. If you don't have a vision yet, take the time to think about what you really want to achieve, what you have to offer your environment and what makes you truly happy.

In the HomoHappiens seminar we give great importance to the creation of a personal vision where with exercises and guidance we can work to create what will be a real life guide for us.



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