How It All Started

Everything began in December 2015 when I met entrepreneur Elli Glytsou, who offered me a ticket into the world of professional networking. Her gesture was not just a gift but an unexpected lifeline during a time when I was on the brink of bankruptcy as an independent freelancer. This led to six wonderful years during which I connected with freelancers and entrepreneurs from across Greece and abroad, working together to bring a healthy approach to business to Greece.

If today I know the most effective way in which the business world operates and interacts, it is thanks to BNI ( and Olympia Lialiou, who with her patience and tireless guidance transformed me into a well-networked and healthy professional.

The Path of Philosophy

As my fruitful journey through networking, referrals, and personal marketing began to close, a deus ex machina appeared in my life, which I will reveal at the end. Despite my initial reservations, this individual introduced me to the world of philosophy, leading me to New Acropolis (

Thus, in 2018, began an exciting journey into the world of self-awareness, philosophical schools, and teachings that remain relevant, true, and incredibly useful to this day.

The following year, in 2019, realizing I couldn’t manage the stress and pressure from work and life’s pace, another wonderful person entered my life – Ada-Alexandra Manola – who introduced me to the art and philosophy of Pranic Healing (

And so, as we reached the pandemic, during the second lockdown, the idea struck me to combine everything I had learned up to that point and offer the world my knowledge and experience from the realms of business, philosophy, and alternative therapies. Thus, a new networking method was born, and Homo Happiens came into existence.

The Vision: Homo Happiens - The Happy Human

Homo Happiens is someone who is not just professionally prosperous but also internally balanced in such a way that their success is a manifestation of their inner equilibrium.

It is the entrepreneur whose success is reflected both in their personal life and their relationship with themselves. It is the person who dedicates their life to making the world a better place while also understanding the tools that will give them professional self-sufficiency to continue their work.

It is someone for whom money and profit are not ends in themselves nor do they chase success for vanity, but who knows how to use and leverage them to improve themselves and the society they live in.

Seminar Goals

We live in a world that is violent and conflicted. However, there would not be so much violence and conflict in the world if we did not carry it within ourselves. The main goal of the seminar is to reduce our internal conflicts, learn to follow our dreams, and know how to achieve them.

By learning the practical tools and the necessary internal background, we can attain the life we deserve. A truly happy life, offering to ourselves and to the world we live in.

Target Audience

The seminar is primarily aimed at entrepreneurs, freelancers, traders, those interested in the world of sales, and anyone entering the job market. It is not the seminar that will change our lives but our own decision to make a significant change. However, through the seminar, you will be provided with all the essential tools to create a solid foundation with yourself, learn to interact effectively and correctly with your environment, and set appropriate and achievable goals.

Finally, I would like to thank Iosif Stavroulakis, my deus ex machina, whose encouragement, support, and assistance made the creation of this seminar possible.


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